Shooting a Handgun Accurately
7:31 PM // 0 comments // sb blogger // Category: Fire Arms , Gun , Weapons //By Bryce Jackson
Having a gun won't help you in times of trouble if you don't know how to use it. Without practice, you could hurt yourself instead of your opponent. To avoid this, here are some tips on how to handle a handgun:
Choose a weapon that you're comfortable with. This will make things easier for you. Before purchasing anything, try numerous handguns at nearby gun ranges that rent out firearms. You can buy ammunition there too. Begin with a small caliber weapon. Don't assume that you're ready for a bigger weapon since large calibers like the .45 and .357 Magnum are heavier and more difficult to handle. Make safety a priority, especially when carrying a gun. Study the basic gun safety rules to prevent accidents. Bear in mind that the moment a bullet leaves the gun, it can strike anything. Don't be a danger to other people around you. Study your weapon and know how it works. If you understand what you're holding, you'll appreciate what it does, respect it and learn to be more careful.
When shooting, hold the gun firmly. Be sure to keep your fingers and hand out of the path of the slide or you could hurt yourself when you fire and the slide pinches your skin. Keep your feet about shoulder width apart. Try leading off with your trigger finger hand in a sort of baseball stance with your arms extended. As you become familiar with your weapon, you can choose the firing position that is best for you.
Learn about sight picture. Place the sights on an area of the target you're aiming at. Always focus on center mass. Do this by aiming at the largest section of your target and the center of it. Don't believe what you see in the movies where the good guy shoots through the villain's hand. If you follow that, you can kill a bystander.
To fire, always squeeze - not jerk or pull - the trigger. Slowly increase direct pressure using your finger to reach the breaking point that releases the hammer and fires the weapon.

The information found within this article are recommended uses and tips for firearms. If you have any questions about gun safety or for complete, accurate information regarding weapon safety, please visit the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives at
Choose a weapon that you're comfortable with. This will make things easier for you. Before purchasing anything, try numerous handguns at nearby gun ranges that rent out firearms. You can buy ammunition there too. Begin with a small caliber weapon. Don't assume that you're ready for a bigger weapon since large calibers like the .45 and .357 Magnum are heavier and more difficult to handle. Make safety a priority, especially when carrying a gun. Study the basic gun safety rules to prevent accidents. Bear in mind that the moment a bullet leaves the gun, it can strike anything. Don't be a danger to other people around you. Study your weapon and know how it works. If you understand what you're holding, you'll appreciate what it does, respect it and learn to be more careful.
When shooting, hold the gun firmly. Be sure to keep your fingers and hand out of the path of the slide or you could hurt yourself when you fire and the slide pinches your skin. Keep your feet about shoulder width apart. Try leading off with your trigger finger hand in a sort of baseball stance with your arms extended. As you become familiar with your weapon, you can choose the firing position that is best for you.
Learn about sight picture. Place the sights on an area of the target you're aiming at. Always focus on center mass. Do this by aiming at the largest section of your target and the center of it. Don't believe what you see in the movies where the good guy shoots through the villain's hand. If you follow that, you can kill a bystander.
To fire, always squeeze - not jerk or pull - the trigger. Slowly increase direct pressure using your finger to reach the breaking point that releases the hammer and fires the weapon.
The information found within this article are recommended uses and tips for firearms. If you have any questions about gun safety or for complete, accurate information regarding weapon safety, please visit the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives at
About the Author:
For the most comprehensive collection of guns for sale, weapons, ammunition and accessories, check out Executive Gun Runners
and their extensive selection.

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