Non Lethal Weapons
4:54 PM // 0 comments // sb blogger // Category: Gun , Weapons //By Joey Bennett
Non lethal defenses are measures which will bring under control or incapacitate when taking deadly action is not situational appropriate. Non lethal defenses are, not technically, never lethal, but described as lessening the probability of being deadly when used.
There are several types of non lethal choices. Pepper spray OC is a spray that contains OC (Oleoresin Capsicum) and additional inert ingredients. Pepper spray's effects, on average, hold for 20 to 90 minutes, permitting sufficient time to let a user to make their getaway. Pepper Spray OC containers range of 8 to 20 feet when sprayed and can be utilized multiple times. Mace is, on the whole, an aerosol can full of tear gas. Mace makes a person close their eyes and hold them closed due to increasing pain anytime they are opened, as it employs a burning sensation to the areas it is sprayed. To cover a larger area use impact munitions which are canisters of gas that are normally shot from a shotgun. Together with this option are tear gas and smoke canisters.
On a more personal level a taser is used. Bean bags are miniature bags holding lead shots that are meant to not penetrate. Bean bags open up after being shot and then spread out for the stunning effect. Tasers put a person out of action by utilizing electric shock while shooting them with beams of electricity. Tasers can be used from a range of twenty five feet away.
Distraction and diversionary devices meant to cause a large enough distraction for one to flee a situation, control a crowd or enter a tactical situation. A flash bang grenade is intended to cause disorientation to a scene. A gigantic bang is sounded, followed next by a flash of seven million candela. The flash bang grenade can be obtained in a training model also. Rubber pellet grenades will rupture with an excess of one hundred rubber pellets flying out in a circular pattern that will envelop an area of just about fifty feet. This is combined with a flash bang reaction. Rubber pellet grenades are also made with elective irritant powder coating the rubber pellets.
Rubber bullets are meant to cause pain but not death. They are a shot out of a firearm or dedicated riot guns. These are useful for short range practice or for police riot disbursement. Although intended to be non lethal, rubber bullets have been known to be lethal or cause serious injury to organs.

The information found within this article are recommended uses and tips for firearms. If you have any questions about gun safety or for complete, accurate information regarding weapon safety, please visit the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives at
There are several types of non lethal choices. Pepper spray OC is a spray that contains OC (Oleoresin Capsicum) and additional inert ingredients. Pepper spray's effects, on average, hold for 20 to 90 minutes, permitting sufficient time to let a user to make their getaway. Pepper Spray OC containers range of 8 to 20 feet when sprayed and can be utilized multiple times. Mace is, on the whole, an aerosol can full of tear gas. Mace makes a person close their eyes and hold them closed due to increasing pain anytime they are opened, as it employs a burning sensation to the areas it is sprayed. To cover a larger area use impact munitions which are canisters of gas that are normally shot from a shotgun. Together with this option are tear gas and smoke canisters.
On a more personal level a taser is used. Bean bags are miniature bags holding lead shots that are meant to not penetrate. Bean bags open up after being shot and then spread out for the stunning effect. Tasers put a person out of action by utilizing electric shock while shooting them with beams of electricity. Tasers can be used from a range of twenty five feet away.
Distraction and diversionary devices meant to cause a large enough distraction for one to flee a situation, control a crowd or enter a tactical situation. A flash bang grenade is intended to cause disorientation to a scene. A gigantic bang is sounded, followed next by a flash of seven million candela. The flash bang grenade can be obtained in a training model also. Rubber pellet grenades will rupture with an excess of one hundred rubber pellets flying out in a circular pattern that will envelop an area of just about fifty feet. This is combined with a flash bang reaction. Rubber pellet grenades are also made with elective irritant powder coating the rubber pellets.
Rubber bullets are meant to cause pain but not death. They are a shot out of a firearm or dedicated riot guns. These are useful for short range practice or for police riot disbursement. Although intended to be non lethal, rubber bullets have been known to be lethal or cause serious injury to organs.
The information found within this article are recommended uses and tips for firearms. If you have any questions about gun safety or for complete, accurate information regarding weapon safety, please visit the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives at

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