The Importance Of A Dental Expert Witness In A Case
11:17 PM // 0 comments // sb blogger // Category: expert , Fitness , Health , Law , Weapons //When a crime is carried out, the person who carried it out is normally charged in a court of law. However, sometimes making the charge stick is usually another matter altogether and is why a dental expert witness in court may be called in to provide testimony. By so doing, the accused person may find it very hard not to get a jail term.
This is an individual who is often qualified as a dentist but has the additional qualification of being a forensic medical expert. They are able to look at a scene and determine what went wrong or what happened. This can involve looking at teeth marks made on any surface and matching them to a victim or accused.
However, this is not the only context that a medical expert witness is used. If a person has been installed with a gadget and it fails or breaks down causing injury, then these individuals can be called in to try and prove liability. Their narratives are so important they often make or break a case.
For instance, in case a dentist decides to perform a procedure that they are not familiar with, then something goes wrong. It is physician expert witness who is going to testify and prove that a person is responsible. This often involves going through medial reports, going through charts, checking the injury that has been created and basically recreating the scene that went wrong.
Bodies that have been left on the ground normally rot and all that is left are bones and teeth. A medical expert witness can look at such bones and through their skills tell how the person died, determine their gender and sometimes age. And due to advancements in technology, today they are able to even bring out the face of the dead person. They are therefore very creative and clever.
At other times, there are tragedies that occur like mass deaths due to natural disasters or man made calamities. These often leave people who cannot be recognized while dead. So the services of an expert witness service may be called in. Most times there will only be certain body parts used to identify the dead, and these experts will often be able to correctly identify them correctly.
These individuals therefore, provide a great service not only to courts but to mankind as well, they help people identify the remains of the dead easily and also help match prints, medical records and other things.
A dental expert witness is a very important person. They provide very many services including helping prove negligence among manufacturers, and also solve crimes. They are often schooled in the highest levels and normally have the papers to prove so. They therefore, help keep the streets safer since they help the police to lock up criminals be giving good testimonies that are air tight and guaranteed to give a jail term.
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