The Tragedy of Exercise Tiger
11:50 PM // 0 comments // sb blogger // Category: Normandy , War , World War II //By Rob Atherton
Throughout the build up to the Allied invasion in Normandy in 1944, a terrific deal of preparation and organizing was required. Data was consistently being gained by a network of spies whilst materials and equipment were being brought to England. These would be vital all through and following what was and still is the largest invasion force ever assembled.
Preparation and practise was a significant part of the plans. Rangers who were to assault Point du Hoc properly trained by climbing cliffs and men made practice beach landings. An essential piece of the operation of secrecy and the locals of Great Britain were counted upon to play their part. In Devon, an area called Slapton Sands was picked as a good practice area due to the similarities with the Utah landing beach in Normandy.
Exercises for the landings started in late 1943 with the main invasion scheduled for June 1944. Over 3,000 residents were relocated from the local area around Slapton Sands. Many exercises were organised and one of the biggest was Operation Tiger involving roughly 30,000 men (approximately 33 % of the present strength of the British Army) were to be involved.
Exercise Tiger occurred in late April 1944. The first practice landings were carried out without any difficulties but throughout the exercise planned for the early hours of 28th April 1944, disaster struck. German E-Boats operating from Cherbourg intercepted a convoy of 8 LST (Landing ships). They aimed torpedoes at the LSTs and desperate men jumped into the freezing waters to get away the sinking ships. A good number of had not been taught how to put on their life vests and drowned.
In addition to the E-Boat attacks, more men died on the shores themselves. The usage of live ammunition had been authorised and besides the fatalities in the sea, there were further deaths by friendly fire when they strayed into the wrong sections of the beaches.

Overall in excess of 900 men were killed during Exercise Tiger and it was nearly forty years before the facts were made public. Ironically, only nearly 200 men died on Utah Beach during the real landings in Normandy on 6th June 1944. Today, a Sherman Tank is on display at Slapton Sands as a memorial to the men who died throughout Exercise Tiger.
Preparation and practise was a significant part of the plans. Rangers who were to assault Point du Hoc properly trained by climbing cliffs and men made practice beach landings. An essential piece of the operation of secrecy and the locals of Great Britain were counted upon to play their part. In Devon, an area called Slapton Sands was picked as a good practice area due to the similarities with the Utah landing beach in Normandy.
Exercises for the landings started in late 1943 with the main invasion scheduled for June 1944. Over 3,000 residents were relocated from the local area around Slapton Sands. Many exercises were organised and one of the biggest was Operation Tiger involving roughly 30,000 men (approximately 33 % of the present strength of the British Army) were to be involved.
Exercise Tiger occurred in late April 1944. The first practice landings were carried out without any difficulties but throughout the exercise planned for the early hours of 28th April 1944, disaster struck. German E-Boats operating from Cherbourg intercepted a convoy of 8 LST (Landing ships). They aimed torpedoes at the LSTs and desperate men jumped into the freezing waters to get away the sinking ships. A good number of had not been taught how to put on their life vests and drowned.
In addition to the E-Boat attacks, more men died on the shores themselves. The usage of live ammunition had been authorised and besides the fatalities in the sea, there were further deaths by friendly fire when they strayed into the wrong sections of the beaches.
Overall in excess of 900 men were killed during Exercise Tiger and it was nearly forty years before the facts were made public. Ironically, only nearly 200 men died on Utah Beach during the real landings in Normandy on 6th June 1944. Today, a Sherman Tank is on display at Slapton Sands as a memorial to the men who died throughout Exercise Tiger.
About the Author:
The landings on 6th June 1944 at Normandy
were carried out by the greatest invasion force the world had seen. Exercise Tiger was part of the preparations for the operation.

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