Reasons New American Politics Are Heading Down The Wrong Road
7:59 PM // 0 comments // sb blogger // Category: Politics , Weapons //By Tameka Weeks
New American politics have gone far from their beginnings. The concepts that where so painstakingly developed hundreds of years ago, have been cast aside. The Bill Of Rights, was constructed to protect Americans as we live our daily lives. The left and the right have become obsolete as special interest groups and certain other factions of society have become inseparable and others have split to pieces. Putting them back together will take some serious time and effort.
Our forefathers would turn over in their graves if they could see how some people twist that ever important document they wrote called the bill of rights. This document was a well thought out piece of legislation that promised to protect the civil rights of all Americans for the foreseeable future.
The future of the country was something that our predecessors where deep in thought over. They considered that their would be much larger numbers trying to follow our bill of rights and the constitution they developed to help lead us in the future. Unfortunately our progress in this area has dwarfed their estimates.
Why people run for office today is another thing that has changed from early times. The average political candidate is going to make a large some of money in this endeavor if successfully elected. The financial gain factor must be taken out of the equation.
A change is needed in the way things are done in this country. The current political scene is ripe for a new method of deciding who is going to get in office. Some people believe The motive of profit should never be given to anyone seeking office. This will remove the greed from politics and get more people involved who at the moment resent the large salaries that are driving most to win office.
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Political gain is not a good reason to run for office. The American people need patriots in place that love this country and will work for the rights of all. Not just special interest groups that have contributed to campaign finance. Some how the campaign promises made to these groups sees follow through. This is because without their help, next term could find the candidate looking for a real job.
Taking a sound plan and making something to profit from has taken it's toll. It's a very difficult task to look at new American politics without being cynical.
new American politics
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Our forefathers would turn over in their graves if they could see how some people twist that ever important document they wrote called the bill of rights. This document was a well thought out piece of legislation that promised to protect the civil rights of all Americans for the foreseeable future.
The future of the country was something that our predecessors where deep in thought over. They considered that their would be much larger numbers trying to follow our bill of rights and the constitution they developed to help lead us in the future. Unfortunately our progress in this area has dwarfed their estimates.
Why people run for office today is another thing that has changed from early times. The average political candidate is going to make a large some of money in this endeavor if successfully elected. The financial gain factor must be taken out of the equation.
A change is needed in the way things are done in this country. The current political scene is ripe for a new method of deciding who is going to get in office. Some people believe The motive of profit should never be given to anyone seeking office. This will remove the greed from politics and get more people involved who at the moment resent the large salaries that are driving most to win office.
Political gain is not a good reason to run for office. The American people need patriots in place that love this country and will work for the rights of all. Not just special interest groups that have contributed to campaign finance. Some how the campaign promises made to these groups sees follow through. This is because without their help, next term could find the candidate looking for a real job.
Taking a sound plan and making something to profit from has taken it's toll. It's a very difficult task to look at new American politics without being cynical.
new American politics

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