Air Freight Pilot Tips
9:15 PM // 0 comments // sb blogger // Category: Air Freight , Aviation , Weapons //If you think that having a career as an air freight pilot agrees with you then here’s what you should know about making your dream come true.
History of Air Freight
It was in the 1940’s that the air freight industry was born, but only two companies managed to last. In the end, only one company – the Flying Tiger - survived, but newer and tougher competition forced it to rival with the very company it was competing against, Federal Express. While FedEx continues to dominate the air freight industry, it usually goes head to head against UPS nowadays.
What You Should Know about Having a Career as an Air Freight Pilot
The earliest age you’ll probably get your license to fly a commercial aircraft is 21. People wishing for private licenses, however, can fly as early as 18. Here are several tips to help you gain success in your chosen career:

Tip #1 Get as much educational experience and learn as many skills as you can because this will increase your chances of getting hired. Join as many workshops or training seminars as your time and money can afford. Although the air freight business is doing fairly well, it’s not as big as the sector that caters to human passengers. You’ll need all the help you can get in order to get hired.

Tip #2 Be familiar with as many aircraft vehicles as possible. Air freight businesses use a variety of them, you will have a better chance of getting hired if they know they won’t have to box you in with a specific aircraft.
Tip #3 Send your applications to as many air freight companies as possible. Attend interviews promptly and with your best smile then if any offers come your way, choose the one that offers the best rates for the type of job you wish.
Tip #4 Once you get hired, show your company that they didn’t make a mistake. Even though your main job as an air freight pilot is to fly an aircraft from one point to another safely and on time, it won’t hurt if you don’t rely mainly on your crew to see if your plane’s in good and working order. Always double check that those who’ll accompany you during the flight are on board. Be sure to have someone check the inventory of packages before leaving.
And lastly, take the initiative to be familiar with your destination so that you’ll have an idea of wh'at kind of terrain you'll meet if you’re forced to make an emergency landing.
History of Air Freight
It was in the 1940’s that the air freight industry was born, but only two companies managed to last. In the end, only one company – the Flying Tiger - survived, but newer and tougher competition forced it to rival with the very company it was competing against, Federal Express. While FedEx continues to dominate the air freight industry, it usually goes head to head against UPS nowadays.
What You Should Know about Having a Career as an Air Freight Pilot
The earliest age you’ll probably get your license to fly a commercial aircraft is 21. People wishing for private licenses, however, can fly as early as 18. Here are several tips to help you gain success in your chosen career:
Tip #1 Get as much educational experience and learn as many skills as you can because this will increase your chances of getting hired. Join as many workshops or training seminars as your time and money can afford. Although the air freight business is doing fairly well, it’s not as big as the sector that caters to human passengers. You’ll need all the help you can get in order to get hired.
Tip #2 Be familiar with as many aircraft vehicles as possible. Air freight businesses use a variety of them, you will have a better chance of getting hired if they know they won’t have to box you in with a specific aircraft.
Tip #3 Send your applications to as many air freight companies as possible. Attend interviews promptly and with your best smile then if any offers come your way, choose the one that offers the best rates for the type of job you wish.
Tip #4 Once you get hired, show your company that they didn’t make a mistake. Even though your main job as an air freight pilot is to fly an aircraft from one point to another safely and on time, it won’t hurt if you don’t rely mainly on your crew to see if your plane’s in good and working order. Always double check that those who’ll accompany you during the flight are on board. Be sure to have someone check the inventory of packages before leaving.
And lastly, take the initiative to be familiar with your destination so that you’ll have an idea of wh'at kind of terrain you'll meet if you’re forced to make an emergency landing.

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