Debunking 911 Myths
1:01 AM // 0 comments // sb blogger // Category: Politics , Terrorism , Weapons //By Nate U Pawlyk
"Top Secret America" was the title of the report based on a two-year investigation conducted by The Washington Post. It talks about a secret world created after the September 11, 2001 terrorist assault on the nation. It claims that a "hidden world growing beyond control" was in place. This secretive world evaded public view and speculation for nine years in order to keep the United States safe. It has since become so massive that it is impossible to determine how many people are part of it, how much it costs, and how many agencies have the same function. Whether or not it is truly effective remains immeasurable.
Findings include 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies have programs that deal with counterterrorism and homeland security. There are 10,000 locations for intelligence in the U.S. Top security clearances are held by as many as 854,000 people. Redundancy thrives in agencies which conduct the same work. Foreign and domestic spying produce 50,000 reports yearly and many of them can't be accommodated.
It seems as if the Post has enough to expose the government's abuse. Then again, in Joel Skousen's World Affairs Brief on July 23, 2010 he declares that tantalizing information sold papers but did not have enough clout to expose the illicit side of the government's operations. He claims that these covert activities were more directed at patriotic citizens than the real enemies. What the government is truly concerned about is that Americans might rebel against the growing totalitarian state in the future.
Upon reading the publication, the Post seems to be heroic in its endeavors to expose the government's duplicity. This is vehemently contested by Joel Skousen in his July 23, 2010, World Affairs Brief. He claims that the Post provided enough information to intrigue the people, for the paper to sell in great numbers, but not quite specific to cause legitimate action against these operations. The focus should have been in recruiting, training, and running covert agents who are targeting patriotic American and allies - not the real enemies.
According to Skousen, this is done by the government on purpose as a precaution for someday these entities might be a potential source of rebellion in opposition to a growing totalitarian state. Skousen criticizes the Post since it did not specifically mention that a third of these operations are directed at Americans and other Western governments which need to be monitored and controlled, so as not to defy the objectives of the New World Order. He further elaborates that significant amounts of the budget are allocated for spying activities on State Officials. They collect information that might be used in the future, to coerce these people to comply when necessary.
Overall, Skousen is disappointed in the outcome of the Post's investigation. There is no substance to which it can be proven that the U.S. government's actions are illegal. He wanted the newspaper to connect all these actions are directed to defend the agenda of the New World Order. - 39468
Findings include 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies have programs that deal with counterterrorism and homeland security. There are 10,000 locations for intelligence in the U.S. Top security clearances are held by as many as 854,000 people. Redundancy thrives in agencies which conduct the same work. Foreign and domestic spying produce 50,000 reports yearly and many of them can't be accommodated.
It seems as if the Post has enough to expose the government's abuse. Then again, in Joel Skousen's World Affairs Brief on July 23, 2010 he declares that tantalizing information sold papers but did not have enough clout to expose the illicit side of the government's operations. He claims that these covert activities were more directed at patriotic citizens than the real enemies. What the government is truly concerned about is that Americans might rebel against the growing totalitarian state in the future.
Overall, Skousen is disappointed in the outcome of the Post's investigation. There is no substance to which it can be proven that the U.S. government's actions are illegal. He wanted the newspaper to connect all these actions are directed to defend the agenda of the New World Order. - 39468

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