Closely Guarded Hunter Enchants
2:03 AM // 0 comments // sb blogger // Category: Hunting //By Wayne Allen
When you show up for a raid you need to be fully cocked, don't be the guy who's half cocked and unprepared. You need to be sure that you have all of your hunter enchants done.
Your armor, your weapons everything is ready to go. You can take on the enchanting profession yourself. Save you a lot of gold and it's a lucrative profession.
The guys in your raiding party are going to need enchants often not mention that they probable have lots of friends they will send your way.
The enchanting icon will be in your spell book, Click on it and this will open the enchanting window. The upper part of the window will list the enchants that you can do. The bottom part will show information about the enchant you selected in the top portion.
To enchant a person's gear open a trade window with them. They will then enter their item in the not to be traded section at the bottom. Then you select the proper enchant and click perform enchant, then select their item and that is all there is to that.
Enchanting is only half of it though, you will also be able to disenchant items. You will be able to break down items into their core structure.
Remember you can only disenchant green items or better. And remember when you disenchant something it destroys the item. Make sure that you are not going to need that item later.
To be able to disenchant items also requires certain game levels. Once you hit level 300 you will be able to disenchant everything in the game.
So the bottom line on enchanting is that if you can't do it yourself, you will be paying somebody or bugging a team member to do it.
For enchants that you cannot learn from the trainer you will be buying the mats or sometimes a mob will drop different ones.
An item can only carry one enchant at a time, however as you grow in skill the item can have a better enchant as one item can be enchanted many times. It will just carry the most recent enchant.

You will need a runed rod to perform enchants. As you level up you will need to get greater rods. When you create a higher level rod for hunter enchants
the older rod will be absorbed in the process. - 39468
Your armor, your weapons everything is ready to go. You can take on the enchanting profession yourself. Save you a lot of gold and it's a lucrative profession.
The guys in your raiding party are going to need enchants often not mention that they probable have lots of friends they will send your way.
The enchanting icon will be in your spell book, Click on it and this will open the enchanting window. The upper part of the window will list the enchants that you can do. The bottom part will show information about the enchant you selected in the top portion.
To enchant a person's gear open a trade window with them. They will then enter their item in the not to be traded section at the bottom. Then you select the proper enchant and click perform enchant, then select their item and that is all there is to that.
Enchanting is only half of it though, you will also be able to disenchant items. You will be able to break down items into their core structure.
Remember you can only disenchant green items or better. And remember when you disenchant something it destroys the item. Make sure that you are not going to need that item later.
To be able to disenchant items also requires certain game levels. Once you hit level 300 you will be able to disenchant everything in the game.
So the bottom line on enchanting is that if you can't do it yourself, you will be paying somebody or bugging a team member to do it.
For enchants that you cannot learn from the trainer you will be buying the mats or sometimes a mob will drop different ones.
An item can only carry one enchant at a time, however as you grow in skill the item can have a better enchant as one item can be enchanted many times. It will just carry the most recent enchant.
You will need a runed rod to perform enchants. As you level up you will need to get greater rods. When you create a higher level rod for hunter enchants
About the Author:
There are a few great professions for hunter's. I believe that enchanting is the best all around skill. It will allow you to enchant your personnel items as well as those of your raiding party. You can also get an assortment of useful item for disenchanting. Click here for more Free information on hunter enchants

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