Strike Energy In Exploration Oil
5:26 PM // 0 comments // sb blogger // Category: Exploration Oil , Politics //By Gil Glenn
Do you know what Strike Energy is? Strike Energy is an Australian exploration oil plus coal methane gas exploration and moreover development company. You will find them listed on the Australian Securities exchange (ASX). Strike Energy also has a two fields in the US. The fields are located in Texas; & they are able to have these fields because of the long time partnership that they have.
They've got ongoing projects in Texas. Strike Energy had their 3rd successful discovery out of wells in February 2010. Due to this, they can now boast a sixty percent success rate on explorations. Athough they are still waiting about the final analysis on this well, Strike Energy is hoping to double their entire holdings with this last find.
Production continues through collaborative efforts from ten wells total in Texas. Other than that, the company recently started another gulf shore operation located in Louisiana. This new farming, called the Bateman Lake Joint Venture, is accomplished through a partnership with Texana Resources, from Houston (Texas).
The coal - oil - gas industry is huge, for obvious reasons. Without coal and oil our country could not function at all. We travel a tremendous amount in the US plus we could not advance in technology without it either. The companies who serve in this capacity by and large keep our way of life running as we know it.
Because of the exportation of oil from places such as Lousisana, Texas, and the Bowen Basin, travel is easy for us. Without this, times would turn and we would be traveling by house like the ancestor before us. What would we do today if we could not hop in our car to go up the street, or a plane to go see our family? Can you even imagine what life would be like?
If you would like to know more about this industry and one of the companies on the forefront of it, here are some top terms to acclimate yourself with:
Exploration oil is when you explore the ground for oil reserves that will be drilled later.
Unconventional gas - those types of natural gas resources which take a greater amount of time and resources to harvest, such as gas shales, tight sand, and coalbed methane (CBM)
Coal Methane is a natural gas that is from coalbeds.

Underground Coal Gasification - an industry process by which underground coal is converted into product gas
Strike Energy is one of the leading companies in this industry, plus is showing signs of rapid growth potential. While some might argue that the ongoing drilling and mining of new lands is scarring our planet, no one can deny that this is an important resource without which the world as we know it would disappear. - 39468
They've got ongoing projects in Texas. Strike Energy had their 3rd successful discovery out of wells in February 2010. Due to this, they can now boast a sixty percent success rate on explorations. Athough they are still waiting about the final analysis on this well, Strike Energy is hoping to double their entire holdings with this last find.
Production continues through collaborative efforts from ten wells total in Texas. Other than that, the company recently started another gulf shore operation located in Louisiana. This new farming, called the Bateman Lake Joint Venture, is accomplished through a partnership with Texana Resources, from Houston (Texas).
The coal - oil - gas industry is huge, for obvious reasons. Without coal and oil our country could not function at all. We travel a tremendous amount in the US plus we could not advance in technology without it either. The companies who serve in this capacity by and large keep our way of life running as we know it.
Because of the exportation of oil from places such as Lousisana, Texas, and the Bowen Basin, travel is easy for us. Without this, times would turn and we would be traveling by house like the ancestor before us. What would we do today if we could not hop in our car to go up the street, or a plane to go see our family? Can you even imagine what life would be like?
If you would like to know more about this industry and one of the companies on the forefront of it, here are some top terms to acclimate yourself with:
Exploration oil is when you explore the ground for oil reserves that will be drilled later.
Unconventional gas - those types of natural gas resources which take a greater amount of time and resources to harvest, such as gas shales, tight sand, and coalbed methane (CBM)
Coal Methane is a natural gas that is from coalbeds.
Underground Coal Gasification - an industry process by which underground coal is converted into product gas
Strike Energy is one of the leading companies in this industry, plus is showing signs of rapid growth potential. While some might argue that the ongoing drilling and mining of new lands is scarring our planet, no one can deny that this is an important resource without which the world as we know it would disappear. - 39468
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