Unconventional Gas - Some Key Points
3:37 AM // 0 comments // sb blogger // Category: Fuel //By Gil Glenn
Unconventional gas is something that this world is depending on more and more every day.
But what is it exactly? This is a question that is simple, yet difficult to explain. For years, we have relied on conventional natural gas deposits to mine. These are what would be considered the easiest, and most economical, to extract from.
Unconventional Gas
Unconventional gas then would be those deposits which are not as easy or economical to mine. While that seems simple enough, the explanation doesn't end there. As technologies improve, and new processes evolve to mine these gases, what is considered unconventional today may be considered the conventional gas of tomorrow, and some others may take their place in the unconventional sector.
For example, some previously regulated areas, such as the Anadarko basin in Western Oklahoma and the Texas Panhandle, held what was considered unconventional gas deposits up until the past few decades. Once deregulation occurred, along with the passing of certain laws and policies like the Natural Gas Policy Act, the once unconventional gas of the area quickly became conventional.
Prices were driven down and things have become easier in these areas. The reason for that is because companies were given incentives to come up with new technology to reach the deep gas cells that were in these places.
Forms Of Unconventional Gas
1 - Coalbed Methane: Coal is a fossil fuel that is formed underground. They generally run in seams, and it is in these seams where methane gas builds up. While this poses a safety threat to miners, it can now be extracted and serves as a popular form of unconventional gas.
2 - Deep natural gas is extracted from far below the earth's surface. It is much harder to drill for because it is usually 15,000 ft below the surface, although new technology has made it possible. Drilling for conventional gas is still easier and less expensive.
3 - Geopressurized Zones: Areas of clay which are compressed very quickly release their natural gases and water during the compression stage. This is then deposited into the more porous material below, usually sand or silt. It is under very high compression from the clay above it, and is typically deep within the earth. Normal depths range from 10-25 thousand feet.
4 - Many years ago, shallow seas left mud that did not disintegrate when it got wet. When a smaller piece of this mud is compressed between two larger pieces it puts off a gas called Shale Gas. This unconventional gas is more expensive and much harder to drill for.
5 - Methane Hydrates: This type of unconventional gas is still in its infancy, as it is the most recent to have been discovered. In simplest terms, methane molecules are caged within frozen water. It is thought that this gas may contain more organic carbon than unconventional gas, coal, and oil combined.
Reference: "Unconventional Natural Gas Resources". NaturalGas.org. June 9, 2010
But what is it exactly? This is a question that is simple, yet difficult to explain. For years, we have relied on conventional natural gas deposits to mine. These are what would be considered the easiest, and most economical, to extract from.
Unconventional Gas
Unconventional gas then would be those deposits which are not as easy or economical to mine. While that seems simple enough, the explanation doesn't end there. As technologies improve, and new processes evolve to mine these gases, what is considered unconventional today may be considered the conventional gas of tomorrow, and some others may take their place in the unconventional sector.
For example, some previously regulated areas, such as the Anadarko basin in Western Oklahoma and the Texas Panhandle, held what was considered unconventional gas deposits up until the past few decades. Once deregulation occurred, along with the passing of certain laws and policies like the Natural Gas Policy Act, the once unconventional gas of the area quickly became conventional.
Prices were driven down and things have become easier in these areas. The reason for that is because companies were given incentives to come up with new technology to reach the deep gas cells that were in these places.
Forms Of Unconventional Gas
1 - Coalbed Methane: Coal is a fossil fuel that is formed underground. They generally run in seams, and it is in these seams where methane gas builds up. While this poses a safety threat to miners, it can now be extracted and serves as a popular form of unconventional gas.
2 - Deep natural gas is extracted from far below the earth's surface. It is much harder to drill for because it is usually 15,000 ft below the surface, although new technology has made it possible. Drilling for conventional gas is still easier and less expensive.
3 - Geopressurized Zones: Areas of clay which are compressed very quickly release their natural gases and water during the compression stage. This is then deposited into the more porous material below, usually sand or silt. It is under very high compression from the clay above it, and is typically deep within the earth. Normal depths range from 10-25 thousand feet.

5 - Methane Hydrates: This type of unconventional gas is still in its infancy, as it is the most recent to have been discovered. In simplest terms, methane molecules are caged within frozen water. It is thought that this gas may contain more organic carbon than unconventional gas, coal, and oil combined.
Reference: "Unconventional Natural Gas Resources". NaturalGas.org. June 9, 2010
About the Author:
Strike Energy
is a global leader in the coal oil gas
industry. To find out more go to StrikeEnergy.com. This article, Unconventional Gas - Some Key Points
is released under a creative commons attribution licence.

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