Nuclear Weapons Forever: U.S. plan to rebuild the nuclear weapons complex
9:48 PM // 0 comments // sb blogger // Category: Nuclear Weapons , Weapons //
On March 19 on the fifth anniversary of the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq war was launched under the pretext of ending the nuclear program, which does not exist. The same day, U.S. Department of Energy to hold public hearings Livermore, Calif., his current plan to reform the real laboratories and factories where the United States, designs, builds and maintains nuclear weapons. This plan should allow the government to maintain thousands of nuclear weapons for decades, and to build thousands more, if he chooses to do so.

Today, design work, construction and maintenance of pumps and warheads of the United States in eight sites in seven states. The Los Alamos in New Mexico and Livermore, California to make the search for weapons and design and a variety of tasks to keep existing nuclear weapons ready to go. The Los Alamos Lab also makes the plutonium “pits” that are the atomic trigger for thermonuclear weapons. Sandia, in Albuquerque, New Mexico and Livermore, California, did engineering work on nuclear weapons and the design and manufacture of non-nuclear components. The three laboratories also perform non-military nuclear research. The Nevada Test Site, where over a thousand nuclear weapons were exploded in the atmosphere and underground before the 1992 testing moratorium, continues to be used for underground experiments called “subcritical” tests that do not have a significant nuclear yield. These tests further development of the knowledge of nuclear weapons and helping to keep the test site ready to resume large-scale testing of atomic weapons, if desired.
The remaining parts for nuclear weapons are manufactured in plants around the country. The Y-12 plant at Oak Ridge, Tennessee makes uranium parts and other components, including the “secondaries” that provide the fuel for the thermonuclear blast triggered by the explosion of the plutonium primary in most modern nuclear weapons. The plant in Kansas City, Missouri and testing non-nuclear components. Georgia Savannah River plant extracts tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen used to enhance the performance of nuclear weapons, and containers filled with tritium for nuclear weapons. Pantex Plant in Amarillo, Texas, assembles, modifies, and dismantling of nuclear weapons, and also manufactures components for high explosives.
Major decisions addressed EIS processing complex for the renewal or replacement of plants, so that key components of nuclear weapons: plutonium pits and secondary. The government wants to build additional facilities at Los Alamos to provide an “interim capability” for pit production, whether or not a new, larger factory will be located there for the long term. Los Alamos is the first choice for a new plant for plutonium pits, and the preferred choice of the Y-12 Oak Ridge plant for the production of components and the secondary uranium. Other sites under consideration, both for uranium and plutonium plant operations Savannah River, Pantex and the Nevada Test Site.
EIS complex transformations would consider alternatives wells 50-200 plutonium produced each year. Fifty nuclear weapons are enough to drop a bomb on every American city with a population of more than 350,000, New York and Los Angeles in Austin, Cleveland, and Colorado Springs.
The relentless quest for nuclear superiority is part of the larger gamble that U.S. elites are doing with our future, the pursuit of global military dominance will allow them to consolidate their economic leadership to slip a few decades. Nuclear weapons ultimately massive return of U.S. forces and the aggressive stance of the classical world. As the Air Force Strategic Planning Directive for Fiscal Years 2006–2023 made clear, nuclear weapons provide “... a credible deterrent umbrella under which conventional forces operate and, if deterrence fails, strike a wide variety of high-value targets with a highly reliable, responsive and lethal nuclear force… Desired effects include: Freedom for U.S. and Allied forces to operate, employ, and engage at will…”
All of this is taking place in a context where the United States has a policy – and demonstrated practice – of preventive war-making, with the “proliferation” of nuclear weapons ranking first on the list of public rationales for war. Although unaware of his own non-proliferation treaty obligation to negotiate the elimination of its nuclear arsenal, the U.S. government claims the right to attack any state that decides to present it as a nuclear threat. With the war in Iraq, we have seen how easily this threat could be used as a basis for a propaganda campaign for a war of aggression. Thanks to the tireless efforts to portray Iran as an imminent nuclear threat, we see the arrogance of violence, anti-democratic elites who believe they can get away again.
Nuclear weapons continue to pose fundamental threats to human security. They play a key role in maintaining the general climate of fear to justify militarism and the military industrial complex through. Its production contaminates the soil with radioactive material that can last thousands of years. Keep in a global context that is more akin to those who have made great wars between the rise and fall of the centers of economic power in the past, poses a risk of nuclear catastrophe, which may be higher than we faced during the Cold War. These hearings are an appropriate direction to achieve some of the forces that drive us to war in the light, and say no to this war, and the next.

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